GRBspec is a database of GRB spectra that compiles spectra of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and their host galaxies. It is a collaborative effort in which users are invited to upload their data. Please register to be able to upload and download data. GRBSpec is free!
When using GRBspec for a publication please cite: "de Ugarte Postigo et al.: GRBSpec: a multi-observatory database for gamma-ray burst spectroscopy, SPIE, 9152 (2014), 2014SPIE.9152E..0BD" and include in the acknowledgements: "This work made use of the GRBspec database".
This work is produced with the support of a 2016 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. Previous funding was received from the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant programme (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG 322307) and the Spanish research projects AYA2012-39362-C02-02, AYA2014-58381-P and AYA2017-89384-P.